Esther Jou is a 11th grader at Acaciawood Prep in Anaheim and a USCF Expert with a peak rating of 2163. She is a competitive chess player and has many accomplishments, Esther is also team member of ICEA Chess Team for 2023 SoCal. SuperStates Championship and won the top female in K-12 championship and is nominated to represent Southern California in the WIM Ruth Haring National Tournament of Girls State Champions. Esther has been serving as ICEA Coach since 2022.
I.C.E.A. Volunteer Experience:
- [2022] Co-Captain of ICEA Chess Team to participate in SoCal. SuperStates
- [2022 – 2023] ICEA Chess Coach
- [2023] Hosting ICEA Chess In-Person Workshops and Tournaments
- [2023] ICEA Chess website content management.